Amala yoga

 Amala yoga

Definition: – Karma-sathana gathe sub-grahe, sva, utcha, mithra-sthana gathe, balo subha-graha veekashana akhanda yoga, bhagyam, sukha jeevana bhagya-praapthi, ithi na samsayaah; yath amala-yoga mutchathe.

If 10th house from Lagan /Moon Kundli is a benefic planet like Guru (Jupiter), or Sukra (Venus) or Mercury (Budha) (if not with malefic planets) or waxing full moon (with at least 4 houses away from Sun), full Moon and in his own sign, or exalted or in its friendly planet house or aspected by a benefic/friendly planet/planet it is called Amala

Yoga Results: – The person gets lasting fame & reputation. He will lead a prosperous life.

Remarks: – While interpretation of every combination, a special consideration should be given to strength of the planet causing Amala Yoga. Also consideration should be given to the association & aspects on 10th house & its lord. If there is Amala Yoga it means the person will gets benefic results in period of that planet Dasa or when Amala yoga planet is moving in Kendra/ Trikon in Transit

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