Palmistry in India
Man is supreme creation of GOD who has the most developed brain among its creations, has been engaged from the beginning to discoveries and inventions for his better life conditions and know many things around him like galaxies, the ocean, the stars & its functions and still continuing the same to more about all these.
Through Palmistry he intends to depict the past, present and future of a man.
The word Palmistry has been derived from French during the period AD 1050— 1475. The word” Palme” means Palm and estrie is taken from “Maistrie” the English meaning of which is Mastery.
Palmistry originated in the East,( The Science of art of reading hands and deriving all information’s and details from hands have candidly originated in our country in ancient times, immemorial initially it was popularly known as “Samudrik Shastra,” “Hasta-Sanjeevani” etc. and great knowledge and information was contributed by old ‘Rishis’ and ‘Maharshis’ like Narad, Gautam, Bhrigu, Bhardwaj, Valmiki, )than it (traveled to China, Egypt, and Greece, where Anaxagoras practised in 432 BC. The other Greek scholars like Aristotle, Pliny, Paracelsus, Roman Emperor Augustus and philosopher Albertus Magnus have mentioned about this science in their writingshas, Than, it traveled to other European countries and like Buddhism, the development, consolidation and research of Palmistry took place in those countries.) there it developed scientifically in the West and now it is gaining back its acceptance as an honored science. Now Palmistry in India is one of sciences which more & more people adopting as an carrier & are using as an guiding tool to guide future events of a person.
Birth & growth of palmistry:-After initial birth and growth of Palmistry it later developed in Greece, China, and Persia, in the beginning and thereafter in European countries. Later in the Middle Ages, the church expressed views against all kind of fortune telling sciences and therefore the progress was retarded. But Professor Hartilech published his book ‘Die Kunst Circomantia’ in 1475. The Palmistry gained popularity in the 17 ~-century and several books were published in America, Europe and other parts of the world. Adrian Adolph Desbarolles was great old master of the science and his mighty contribution in teaching palmistry to many scholars cannot be forgotten. Later Adolph Henze, Hans Burg, Comte C De Saint German, Louise Cotton, AR Craig, lB Dale, GW Gressman, Eliza, Easter Henderson, etc. wrote many books on palmistry. Count Louise Hamen an Irish, became very famous by the name of Chiero and he he made the science very popular. He is famous name to reckon. He studied in Bananas and spent many years in our country in research and study. It is said about him that he also learnt many hidden Sciences like Tantra etc. He succeeded in getting a great popularity to Palmistry and his predictions were perfected and very accurate. His contribution is very mighty as for bringing popularity to the science of Palmistry.