Horary versus Natal Astrology
In Horary astrology, we know the exact time, date and place of query, whereas in natal astrology the correctness of horoscope cannot be vouchsafed.
Horary gives instantaneous replies to the question bypassing dasha system in overwhelming number of cases, whereas in natal, dasha, antar dasha even up to sooksham dasha may have to be calculated and that entails a lot of time factor.
Questions regarding twin births are difficult to analyse from natal charts, as both horoscopes are almost similar even going by the dasha balance. So the reply cannot be given by referring to horoscopes. But in horary, the question time for each individual will vary and correct predictions can be offered on the current disposition of the planets.
Horary astrology entails simpler rules as compared to natal astrology. Exactness of the event regarding profits, missing person, stolen property, service and profession or politics etc. can be predicted easily from a horary chart than a natal chart.
Why the need for Horary Astrology?
The biggest reason for failed astrological predictions is due to the non-availability of an accurate birth time. Moreover, there are different views as to the time of birth: whether it should be time of first cry, appearance of the head, severing of the umbilical cord or the first touch of the body with the ground. All these factors remain debatable till date.
The existing methods of rectification of birth time are neither effective nor popular. Moreover, they are time consuming and even after proper reconstruction there is no guarantee that the results are correct.
To find answer like will i get girl of my choice for marriage are solved only by horary astrology. horary astrology is most accurate in prashna which are mentioned below.Sometime there are urgent or emergent situations when there is no time either to cast a horoscope or to retrieve it, and in such situations prashna gives accurate results. Even where accurate birth chart is available, there remain many areas where the immediate problems and anxieties can only be dealt with a prashna chart better, and the role of the birth chart can at best be taken as supplementary. For example, in case of theft: the recovery of stolen items, the appearance of the thief etc.: whether missing person is alive or dead, his present state of well being, whether in captivity, chances of his release; in case of illness, the likelihood of recovery, whether the medicine is appropriate, whether the diagnosis is correct; in case of marriage whether the person will get the girl of his choice, the prospects and auspiciousness of marriage and in case of progeny whether the woman is pregnant, what will be the sex of the child. Such queries are answered through Horary astrology.
So we you have a question like will i get girl of my choice for marriage, will i get a boy of my choice for marriage,can my stolen item will be recovered or not, a missing person will come back or not, is he alive or dead, will i get a job, will i clear my examination, will male child in this progeny or female child, will someone close to us will get bail or not. There are thousands of question in our mind which we require to know, do write to a mail at mongakb@gmail.com or call +91 998 819 6602.
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