Showing 13 Result(s)

Astrological Reasons for delay in Marriage

Astrological Reasons for delay in Marriage In modern days times when girls age is beyond 26 years normally parents feel that their daughter marriage is getting late. So we will be talking about astrological reasons for delay in marriage for girl. Many times it said that due to higher education and settling done in good jobs …

How Important is Prasna Sastra

Prasna Sastra is a very tool in those cases where we are not having details for a prson like his Date of Birth, Time, and Place & also helps to find anser to those question whice are of great importance & effect our day to day life i.e. those questions which effect immediate  affecting our …

The Nakshatras part 1

The Nakshatras part 1 Just  like  the  Rashis,  the  Nakshatras  also  break  up  the  zodiac  into  equally  spaced  segments.  There  are  27 Nakshatras, each taking up 13’20”. The Nakshatras are also called Lunar mansions, as the Nakshatra position of the Moon is an important use of Nakshatras. Each Nakshatra has a symbol, various attributes, and …