Showing 5 Result(s)

Sadhesati Calculations & Remedies

Sadhesati Calculations & Remedies Saturn – Places in Rashi during transit which has an influence on the Moon rashi, -1, +1. Therefore, total duration is seven and half years. (2 ½, 2 ½, 2 ½,). Saturn means difficulties and struggle & has   influence on Moon (Heart).

Moon Planet Effects & Remedies

Moon Planet Effects & Remedies As explained in the some other post, the Sun is regarded as the generator of power that gives spirit and life to all planets, the Moon is considered to be the conductor of power lent by Sun and rules over the lives of the beings on this earth. Sun represents …

What is A Horoscope ?

The most common term we come across in matters connected with astrology is the Horoscope. now what is this Horoscope ? In plain language it is a map of the heavens for a given moment. Supposing we had a camera that could take a “Cosmic- View” of the sky, as it were ; the photograph taken …